Vlag vakbond FNV
Vlag vakbond FNV

The Trade Union: Old-Fashioned or Essential?

Thursday 12 September 2024, 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm
Current Affairs Lecture | Radboud Reflects and VOX

Strikes in public transportation and canceled football games; unions are fighting for better working conditions. But at the same time, these unions are running empty: membership is historically low. Why are workers turning away from unions? What are the consequences of this? Is the union a thing of the past, or more important than ever in the fight for workers' rights? Come hear from political scientist Alex Lehr and union representative Marijtje Jongsma.

This is a Dutch Current Affairs Lecture. 

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Thursday 12 September 2024, 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm
Radboud Reflects, Vox