
On this page you can find all the information that you need in order to study successfully. Read more about using apps for students and digital learning environments, viewing your grades, timetable or study programme, registering for courses and exams, and ordering study books.

  • Mandatory attendance

    Courses in your programme may have mandatory attendance. This means that there will be consequences if you have been absent to many times.

  • Apps for students

    See which apps Radboud University offers for students.

  • Binding study advice (BSA)

    The binding study advice (BSA) is issued at the end of the first academic year and determines if you can continue with your study programme.

  • Brightspace

    Brightspace is the digital learning environment of Radboud University. It contains course information, documents, and online lectures. You can also submit assignments.

  • Viewing your grades

    You can find your grades and study progress in the OSIRIS system.

  • Contacting the Examination Board

    All faculties have an Examination Board. This Board monitors the academic level of the study programmes and ultimately determines whether you meet the requirements of the Education and Examination Regulations (EER) of your study programme.

  • Uploading documents in Scorion

    Medical faculty students can upload documents and give and receive feedback in digital portfolio system Scorion

  • Sustainable Bachelor’s courses

    Want to take sustainability courses during your Bachelor’s degree? Find out which courses are offered at your faculty.

  • Sustainable Master’s courses

    Below is a list of all the Master's courses that focus on sustainability issues.

  • Taking a subsidiary course or minor

    During your programme, you usually have free space in which you can take subsidiary courses or minor programmes at another study programme, within Radboud University or elsewhere.

  • Extracurricular activities

    Would you like to develop yourself alongside your studies? Check out the possibilities for extracurricular activities here.

  • Fraud and plagiarism

    It is important to know what fraud and plagiarism are, and how to prevent it.

  • Using laptops, phones and tablets

    To follow your study programme, you need to have the appropriate devices. Ensure that your laptop meets the minimum required specifications.

  • Writing help

    Did you know that you can get free writing help? Talk to a writing coach or attend a workshop on academic writing.

  • Infection prevention and vaccination

    Students who will work with patients may come into contact with patients and patient materials. You might be exposed to bacteria and viruses. This puts you at risk of contracting an infection and spreading the infection.

  • Registering for courses

    In OSIRIS you can register for courses.

  • Changing or getting approval of your programme

    For some study programmes, you need to have the programme approved. You can also request a change of your programme.

  • Dealing with copyright

    Are you working on a writing assignment, essay or thesis? Then bear in mind that you will often have to deal with copyright.

  • Online education and studying via weblectures

    Education takes place on campus as much as possible. Sometimes lectures are recorded and made available online. Some faculties have established guidelines for this.

  • Rules and Regulations for Students

    Find out on this page which rules and guidelines apply to students at Radboud University.

  • Viewing your timetable

    Your timetable shows you where and when your classes and examinations will be held.

  • Scriptierepository

    De Radboud Universiteit heeft een scriptierepository opgezet waarin alle scripties worden opgenomen en toegankelijk worden gemaakt voor derden. Wanneer je je diploma aanvraagt kun je aangeven of je akkoord bent met openbaarmaking van je scriptie.

  • Theses as example

    Are you going to write a thesis? Other people's theses can help you write your own. You can find examples in the thesis repository.

  • Student portal

    The Radboud student portal contained an overview of your email, timetable, contact info, grades and news items as well as a link to Brightspace.

  • Ordering study books

    Read how you can order study books, readers, and other course material.

  • Viewing your course guide

    The course guide contains the courses and minors for your study programme.

  • View study progress in OSIRIS

    The study information system OSIRIS allows you as a student to register for courses and exams and view your study progress.

  • Exemptions

    If you wish to qualify for an exemption, you will need to start by contacting the student advisor from your study programme. As a rule, the Examination Board from your study programme will ultimately decide whether your request will be fulfilled.