Using the thesis repository

It is possible and even mandatory at most faculties to submit a thesis digitally. This is done via the thesis repository, a digital archive managed by the University Library. 

To the thesis repository


  1. Make sure you meet the guidelines

    In order to be included in the thesis repository, it is important that your thesis meets the following requirements:

    • The thesis has a cover page, title page and table of contents
    • The title page contains the following information:
      • title (and any subtitle)
      • full initials/first name, surname and student number 
      • date and year of graduation
      • name of the discipline of graduation
      • full initials and surname of supervisor(s)
      • name of the faculty
    • The pages are numbered
    • The thesis consists of one PDF file

    Please note! Before submitting your thesis for inclusion in the thesis repository, please remove any personal information you do not wish to make public (e.g. an e-mail address, telephone number, home address or signature).

  2. Submit your thesis in PDF format

    The digital version of your thesis must be submitted in PDF format. There are various programmes that allow you to create such a PDF file. The digital version of the thesis must consist of a single, unsecured PDF file. The requirements may differ from one faculty to another.

  3. Complete the consent form

    Your thesis will become publicly accessible online full text via the thesis repository. Before submitting your thesis, make sure to attach a permission form when submitting it. If your thesis contains (business) sensitive information or cannot be made public for any other reason, please indicate this clearly when submitting your thesis.

  4. Make sure you avoid plagiarism

    Plagiarism is the copying of data from someone else's work without proper acknowledgement. Naturally, you should not indulge in plagiarism in your thesis. The University Library has created a short tutorial on plagiarism with tips on how to recognise and avoid plagiarism.

  5. Think about data management

    When writing your thesis, it is advised to think carefully about how you want to handle the data used in it. More information can be found in a tutorial on data management created by the University Library's Expertise Centre for Research Data for this purpose.

  6. Consider the copyright of images

    When including images and/or photos in your thesis, you have to deal with copyrights. As a student, you are responsible for not infringing those copyrights. On the permission form that you submit with your thesis, you declare that you have taken care of this. Make sure you have done this!