All the information you need in order to succeed as a Radboud University student.
Stay up to date on current events for students.
Get to know Ans - the new digital assessment tool
Develop your personal skills via MDT
Social Safety
Student wellbeing
It is important to be in good shape mentally and physically in order to be able to study well and have a nice student life. Radboud University is happy to help you with that. Read more about our student wellbeing and student support offerings here.
Here you will find more information on your study progress, registration for courses and exams, the study programme, your timetable and ordering books.
More informationRegistering and deregistering study programme
Here you will find more information on tuition fees, study financing, admission statement and how to deregister from a programme.
More informationICT
You will find more information about your password, e-mail and calendar, wifi and (safely) working off-campus.
More informationCampus facilities
Here you will find more information on food and beverages, sports, study workplaces, printing on campus, the Student Chaplaincy and getting to campus.