Studies in spirituality

Since its initiation in 1991, Studies in Spirituality has become a crucial international voice in the study of spirituality.

Our journal is published annually by the Titus Brandsma Institute in collaboration with Peeters Publishers. Besides the journal, we provide the opportunity to publish works of monograph length in our supplements, which are issued in a frequency of about one volume a year.

Specialists on spirituality and mysticism

The purpose of Studies in Spirituality is to publish academic and specialist views on spirituality and mysticism, and thus promote spirituality as an academic discipline with a specific object and methodology – a discipline in continuous dialogue with other sciences that may assist in clarifying questions and problems in spirituality.

Wide spectrum

Since spirituality needs a multi-disciplinary approach, Studies in Spirituality covers a wide spectrum: theoretical questions about spirituality and mysticism; fundamental aspects and phenomena of spiritual transformation; important currents, periods and figures in the different spiritual traditions. The focus is on Judeo-Christian traditions mainly, although not exclusively.

Studies in spirituality


Our journal is published annually by the Titus Brandsma Institute in collaboration with Peeters Publishers. Besides the journal, we provide the opportunity to publish works of monograph length in our supplements, which are issued in a frequency of about one volume a year.


Most recent publication Studies in Spirituality 32/2022-2023

Studies in Spirituality 32 contains the following articles. A downloadable overview of the summaries is also to be found here. (docx, 25 kB)


The aim of this series is to provide an opportunity for publication of more substantial works of monograph length and collective works on particular themes.

Most recent supplement

Archive of all published supplements

Information for contributers

The deadline for incoming articles for the next journal volume (34/2025) is February 1st, 2025

Take a look at our editorial guidelines below. Please send an electronic version of your manuscript to the editorial secretary.

Editorial guidelines

In the following PDF file you'll find the editorial guidelines for both the Studies in Spirituality journal and supplements.

Make sure you read our Editorial Guidelines (doc, 36 kB) before submitting your manuscript.