PhD or fellowship at the Titus Brandsma Institute

Do you want to advance in science? Did you complete a master's programme and does research in your field sound like something for you? Then you have the opportunity to do a PhD at the Titus Brandsma Institute.

Based on a wish to exchange knowledge, the TBI also facilitates meetings between students and postdocs from other universities in what we call the 'TBI Fellowship'. 


The Titus Brandsma Institute offers the possibility of supervising PhD programmes. Several TBI employees have PhD rights and we therefore actively pursue the recruitment and supervision of PhD scholars and the development of appropriate projects through project applications.

Graduate School for the Humanities

PhD scholars will be registered with the Graduate School for the Humanities (GSH) and evaluated and monitored in accordance with GSH guidelines. In this way, PhD students and their supervisors will receive support through advice and checklists on key issues such as: What is expected of a PhD student? What components should a dissertation contain? How can the supervisor avoid problems during the PhD process?

TBI Fellowship

Students and postdocs from around the world can join the TBI Fellowship platform. It is a multi-disciplinary network of (inter)national students and postdocs doing research on Christian spirituality and mysticism.

The TBI Fellows meet twice a year to share their research progress and results.

Would you also like to become a TBI Fellow?

Do you have a research question, but do not yet have the opportunity to start working on it? Then apply to become a TBI Fellow. Send your CV and research proposal(s) to herman.westerink [at] (herman[dot]westerink[at]ru[dot]nl). If the institute's Science Committee then approves your proposal, you will be accepted as a TBI Fellow.

Currently, there are 10 TBI Fellows involved with the Titus Brandsma Institute. Among them are people from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Poland and Tanzania. Their areas of focus are very diverse and varied.

Want more information?

For more information, please contact Herman Westerink.