Nardus Platenkamp

Portretfoto Nardus Platenkamp
The green campus is truly unique: There are not many organisations where several eateries, a greenhouse and a church are part of your work area.
Nardus Platenkamp
Current role
Team Lead Project & Program Management

Nardus Platenkamp is Team Lead Project & Program Management at the division Information & Library Services (ILS).

“16,000 people use Radboud University's wireless network simultaneously, day in and day out. Together with my colleagues, we ensure a high-quality network that is accessible to everyone, both on campus and from home. This way, employees can work well together and our students can study safely from anywhere. To make this possible, we work with new and complex technologies and have very capable specialists in our team. I enjoy the combination of people, technology and organisation in my role. We are committed to making the possibilities offered by IT available to support and facilitate research and education.

I have been working at Radboud University for 17 years now and still enjoy going to work every day (by bike). For me, the green campus is truly unique: There are not many organisations where several eateries, a greenhouse and a church are part of your work area. There is a friendly atmosphere, which makes it easy to approach anyone. The university is always in full development, which ensures sufficient challenge on a technical and organisational level. Continuous development creates opportunities for the IT department to be even closer to research and education. That is where I see real chances.”

Nardus Platenkamp werksituatie
Nardus Platenkamp werksituatie