Wouter Peer

Portretfoto Wouter Peer
I got along with most teachers greatly, which made discussions in class and feedback on essays easy and enjoyable.
Wouter Peer
Country of previous education
The Netherlands
Current role
Previous education
Bachelor American Studies

Wouter has studied Transatlantic Studies: History, Culture and Politics at Radboud University.

What attracted you to this Master's program?

Transatlantic studies was a great expansion to my bachelors in American Studies, but also fascinating as a masters on its own. Instead of analyzing North America as an isolated subject you study its place in the world, which I found incredibly interesting. Courses like American Culture in a Global Context or The Foundations of Transatlantic relations gave me a new point of view and historical framework that sparked my academic interest and changed my perceptions of America and Europe’s place in the world in a cultural and political sense.

What made this master’s special was the connection you developed with the teachers. I got along with most of them greatly, which made discussions in class and feedback on essays easy and enjoyable. They are happy to assist when things go wrong or when you need some help, and when you are stressing out for your thesis, for example, they are great support.

While the program itself does not necessarily have a connection to my current profession as a journalist for a large Dutch newspaper, the possibilities and space for internships during this master’s really helped. I got the opportunity to gain experience in the field I wanted to work in while simultaneously finishing my studies, which was great. The way that this master’s makes you shift viewpoints and frameworks also makes for a skill that is applicable to many possible professions, including journalism.

In short, I really enjoyed the program, and although I did experience some hiccups, mostly by my own doing, I would recommend it to anyone interested in Transatlantic relations that completed a bachelor’s in American studies, but to ‘outsiders’ as well. Especially when you combine the program with an internship, you will be well prepared for any career in or outside of the academic community.