Studenten op de campus
Studenten zitten in het gras in de lente.

Studying at Radboud University

Discover facts & figures and read all about student life, housing and more!


Discover our programmes

  • Bachelor's Open Day

    Visit our Bachelor's Open Day and attend information sessions about the Bachelor's of your interest, get to know our green campus, and ask all your questions to students and staff.

  • Master's Open Day

    Join us for the Master's Open Day! Discover our campus and get information on all our Dutch and English-taught (pre-)Master's programmes. For some programmes you can also join the Master's Open Day online.

  • Meet us online

    Are you an international student interested in studying at Radboud University, but unable to come and visit us in person? We host a number of online events for students who are thinking of studying with us, and you’re always welcome to join.


Hero Open Access

Maximum number of SpringerNature open access articles 2024 reached

On 5 November 2024, the maximum number of open access publications that can be published by Dutch universities and UMCs at SpringerNature has been reached. A total of 2,067 articles have been published open access this year. What does this mean?

ERC grant

ERC Synergy Grant for research on phonology

Paula Fikkert will receive an ERC Synergy Grant for research on the relationship between sound, script and knowledge of language. The Synergy Grants are the largest grants from the European Research Council (ERC).


Field cricket suffers greatly from nitrogen

The field cricket - the Dutch insect of the year 2024 - has been going downhill in recent years. Research shows that this is mainly due to an excess of nitrogen. Measures to remove nitrogen are counterproductive.


Deelnemers MDT project

MDT: Give something back to society

Gain work experience, develop professional skills ánd contribute to society.

US Election Night | Lezingen, theater, polls en meer

US Election Night | Lectures, theater, exit polls and more

SOLD OUT / WAITING LIST Radboud Reflects @US Election Night | Join us as we experience the night of the US Presidential election of 2024!



A new Babybabbles for parents and young children (0-2 years) will take place on 6 November at library Mariënburg.