Studenten op de campus van de Radboud Universiteit
Studenten zitten in het gras in de lente.

Studying at Radboud University

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Discover our programmes

  • Bachelor's Open Day

    Visit our Bachelor's Open Day and attend information sessions about the Bachelor's of your interest, get to know our green campus, and ask all your questions to students and staff.

  • Master's Open Day

    Join us for the Master's Open Day! Discover our campus and get information on all our Dutch and English-taught (pre-)Master's programmes. For some programmes you can also join the Master's Open Day online.

  • Meet us online

    Are you an international student interested in studying at Radboud University, but unable to come and visit us in person? We host a number of online events for students who are thinking of studying with us, and you’re always welcome to join.



Nature has vanished from farming, but it still plays a part in farmers’ lives

In her book ‘Hoe de natuur uit de landbouw verdween’, Radboud historian Marij Leenders illustrates how farming has significantly changed since the nineteenth century. “Farmers have an instinctive connection with nature, and rediscovering this

Nationale Studentenenquete

NSE 2024: Radboud student remains satisfied, renewed focus on study load and reflection

On average, students at Radboud University are once again satisfied with their study programme. This is according to the National Student Survey (NSE), the annual national survey on student satisfaction.

Romana en Floor op de campus

Vitality month: start moving for someone else

Vitality month starts on Wednesday 18 September. Sign up together with your colleagues and spend a month in action for a good cause.


Donders Toolkit

Donders Advanced (f)MRI Toolkit

This intensive 5-day course will provide an overview of the MR Methods (that can be) used in Cognitive Neuroimaging.

Variation in people's judgements of grammatical norm violations

Variation in people's judgements of grammatical norm violations

Grammatical norm violations (GNVs), such as hun ‘them’ as a subject in Dutch, are unique, because these constructions frequently occur in everyday Dutch, while they are considered incorrect according to prescriptive grammar.

Regeringverklaring kabinet Lubbers-II, Wim Kok

Lunch meeting The Eighties with Diederik Smit on Wim Kok

At the first meeting of the new academic year of the research group The Eighties: Austerity, Reform, Conflict, Diederik Smit, historian at Leiden University and biographer of Wim Kok, will speak as a guest.