Studenten op de campus van de Radboud Universiteit
Studenten zitten in het gras in de lente.

Studying at Radboud University

Discover facts & figures and read all about student life, housing and more!


Discover our programmes

  • Bachelor's Open Day

    Visit our Bachelor's Open Day and attend information sessions about the Bachelor's of your interest, get to know our green campus, and ask all your questions to students and staff.

  • Master's Open Day

    Join us for the Master's Open Day! Discover our campus and get information on all our Dutch and English-taught (pre-)Master's programmes. For some programmes you can also join the Master's Open Day online.

  • Meet us online

    Are you an international student interested in studying at Radboud University, but unable to come and visit us in person? We host a number of online events for students who are thinking of studying with us, and you’re always welcome to join.



Maximum number of Springer open access articles 2024

In Mid-October, the maximum number of articles that can be published open access in 2024 with Springer is expected to be reached. Read what that means if you want to publish a manuscript in the upcoming months.

Ruud van Kruijsbergen bij de Radboud Rupair-shop

1 October starts the RUpair-shop: free small repairs of your laptop

Are you a student and does your laptop need a small repair? Then visit the RUpair shop in the hall of the University Library from 1 October. Your laptop will be repaired free of charge if you arrange a replacement part yourself.

ontwerp kerkraam Titus Brandsma

A window for Titus

The Student Church would like to keep the memory of Titus Brandsma alive with the help of a church window. You can donate for that through the Radboud Fund.


Donders Toolkit

Donders Advanced (f)MRI Toolkit

This intensive 5-day course will provide an overview of the MR Methods (that can be) used in Cognitive Neuroimaging.

Een zwart-wit tekening van de Grotestraat met mensen op de voorgrond

SOOS meeting: The History of the Grotestraat

In this SOOS meeting, René van Hoften will give an interesting lecture about the history of the Grotestraat.

Beeld bij AA over de Langstudeerboete

The Long-term Study Penalty

Why does the government want to reintroduce the long-term study penalty? What are the advantages and what are the disadvantages?