Writings of Titus Brandsma
is the website of the critical edition of the Writings of Titus Brandsma. On this site, we present the fruits of this ongoing edition project, including translations and commentaries.
- Writings
The writings of Blessed Titus Brandsma O. Carm., which are preserved in the Titus Brandsma archives of the Dutch Carmelite Institute, include thousands of documents. Brandsma wrote about 700 articles for various publications, but the archives also hold thousands of unpublished articles, speeches, notes and letters. Our aim is to make these works more accessible for reading and studying through this critical edition.
The edition project has been going for some time, in a collaborative effort between the Titus Brandsma Institute and the Dutch Carmelite Province. It began in 2014 and will probably take about twenty years to make all the works of Titus available. The writings that have been prepared for publication will be presented on this website under the heading ‘writings’.
- Translations
Titus Brandsma wrote his texts primarily in Dutch. He also wrote some texts in other languages (Frisian, English, German, Italian). To make some of the writings of Titus accessible to those who are not able to read the original texts, this website contains a number of translations under the heading ‘translations’.
- Commentaries
Working on this edition project means carefully and systematically studying one of Titus’ texts. One of the fruits of this work is that we are also able to present a series of essays as commentaries on Titus’ writings. These are meant to support the reading and understanding of the original texts. The commentaries have been written by members of the Titus Brandsma Institute and other scholars. The commentaries are written in various languages, mainly in English. Some of them, which are presented here, are English translations of original Dutch texts.
More information?
For information on the Writings of Titus Brandsma, please contact Anne-Marie Bos, dr. J.M. Bos (Anne-Marie)