Please follow all activities of the Gender & Sexuality Alliance at the Radboud University. |
At Wednesday 4 December the second edition of Queer(ing) Radboud is organised. Please find here all information about Queer(ing) Radboud 2.0 and register yourself!
How queer is Radboud University and the Radboud Medical Center (Radboudumc)? How and where do we encounter queer people, ideas, and spaces at Radboud that go beyond a gender binary? And where do we celebrate diversity, fluidity and a bit of rainbow sparkles?
In collaboration with the Radboud Young Academy, Dito! Nijmegen, voor LHBT+ jongeren, and the Halkes Women+ Faculty Network, we discussed these questions in three short panels on Thursday 14 September 2023.
With diverse speakers from Radboud, ranging from Bachelor and Master students to professors, DEI and support staff, we explored and discussed the following three topics:
Panel #1: The status quo of queer-related policies at Radboud
Panel #2: The implications of queer students and teachers in the classroom and teaching environments
Panel #3: The connection between Radboud and queer nightlife in Nijmegen’s urban context
Afterwards there was an informal gathering with vegan food, drinks and music.
Please feel free to reach out us to talk further about this topic via Halkes and/or Radboud Young Academy. Stay tuned, we will post information about upcoming events on this page.
Photos were made by Liedeke Taen.