Radboud University

Research support and collaboration

Radboud University aspires to make a significant impact through its research activities on regional, national and international levels. Our international, reputable research staff deliver top-quality research results, engage in multidisciplinary research initiatives, and develop novel approaches and innovations.

This is reflected in Radboud University’s strong portfolio of individual and collaborative research projects. Radboud University’s researchers have been awarded research grants from regional programmes, including ERDF and INTERREG funds, national  funders like NWO, ZonMW, KWF, the Top Sectors, and the KNAW, as well as EU funding programmes, such as Horizon Europe (including ERC and Marie Sklodowska-Curie grants) and COST Actions. More information on funded projects can be found here.

Radboud University provides a solid support structure for researchers who consider applying for national and international funding schemes, with the recent focus on the preparation for the upcoming large NWO funding schemes and Horizon Europe, the  EU Framework Programme for 2021-2027.

Radboud University funding support staff team up with the research community to successfully participate in these programmes. We warmly welcome national and international public and private partners with an interest in engaging in research with impact.

Are you interested in collaborating on research projects with Radboud University? Please send an inquiry to collaborate at ru.nl *

Are you a researcher at Radboud University? More information on grant and funding support can be found here.

* This email is not intended for inquiries related to educational degrees and admissions.