Publications of 1999

1. Academic publications

a. PhD theses

b. Peer-reviewed articles, peer-reviewed book chapters

Aarts, B.G.W. & P.H. Nienhuis, 1999. Ecological sustainability and biodiversity. Int. J. Sustain. Dev. World Ecol. 6: 89-102.

Lenders HJR, Huijbregts MAJ, Aarts BGW, Van Turnhout CAM., 1999. Assessing the degree of preservation of landscape, natural and cultural-historical values in river dike reinforcement projects. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 15: 325-337<325::AID-RRR545>3.0.CO;2-G

Leuven, R.S.E.W., P.H. Nienhuis, J.M.A. Kesseleer & W. Zwart, 1999. Annual emissions of pollutants from mine stone applications in drainage basins of Dutch rivers. Hydrobiologia 410: 315-323. Also published in: Garnier, J. & J.M. Mouchel (Eds.) Man and river systems. The functioning of river systems at the basin scale. Developments in Hydrobiology 146. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.

Ragas, A.M.J., Etienne, R.S., Willemsen, F.H., and Van de Meent, D. (1999). Assessing model uncertainty for environmental decision making: A case study of the coherence of independently derived environmental quality objectives for air and water. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry18 (8), 1856-1867.

Ragas, A.M.J., 1999. The consequences of applying different mixing models, input data and EQOs when deriving emission limits for discharge permits. European Water Management2 (5), 62-71.

Ragas, A.M.J. & R.S.E.W. Leuven, 1999. Modelling of water quality-based emission limits for industrial discharges in rivers. Water, Science and Technology39 (4), 185-192.

Strijbosch, H., 1999. Importance of rivers in shaping original Euro-Mediterranean lizard habitats. Nat. Croatica 8: 331-377.

Strijbosch, H. & J. van der Winden, 1999. Ecological restrictions in Ophisops elegans (Sauria: Lacertidae) of mainland Greece - Contributions to the Zoogeography and Ecology of the Eastern Mediterranean Region 1: 237-242.

Van der Velde, G. & R.S.E.W. Leuven, 1999. Polluted river systems: Monitoring and assessment of ecotoxicological risks. Acta Hydrochimica Hydrobiologica 27/5: 251-256.

c. Non peer-reviewed articles and book chapters

Aarts, B.G.W. (1999): Another indicator approach. In: Larsson, T.B. & Esteban, J.A. (Eds.), Electronic Conference on Cost-effective Biodiversity Indicators. Cost-effective Indicators to Assess Biological Diversity in the Framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), November 1999 – January 2000. [online]

Leuven, R.S.E.W. & A.M.J. Ragas, 1999. Norms and legislation in water quality management. In: Lundin, L.C. (ed). Sustainable water management in the Baltic Sea basin 3: Water in society. The Baltic University Programme, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 165-176.

Strijbosch, H., 1999. Doppelschwänze bei europäischen Lacertiden - Die Eidechse 10(1): 1-7.

d. Refereed congress publications

Aarts, B.G.W., 1999. Fish communities of the rivers Rhine and Meuse in The Netherlands. In: Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (25-28 August 1999, Antwerp): Book of Abstracts.

Aarts, B.G.W., 1999. A hierarchical framework of fish classifications in European large rivers, with special reference to the present situation in the Netherlands. In: NecoV Winter Symposium (8-9 December 1999, Antwerp): Book of Abstracts.

Dethmers, E.M., 1999. Demography of a Green Turtle Population Nesting on Enu Island, Aru – Indonesia. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, March 2-6, 1999, South Padre Island, Texas. U.S. Dept. Commer. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFSC.

Dethmers, E.M., 1999. The Need for Co-operation in Conservation of SE Aru Turtles. In: N. J. Pilcher (ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd Asean Symposium and Workshop on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, July 15-17, 1999, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

Kooistra, L., R.S.E.W. Leuven, R. Wehrens, P.H. Nienhuis & L.M.C. Buydens,1999. Incorporating spatial variability of pollutants in ecological risk assessment for river floodplains: application of GIS. Abstracts 9th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe, Quality of Life and Environment in Cultured Landscapes, 25 - 29 May 1999, Leipzig, Germany. p. 28.

Kooistra, L, L.M.C. Buydens, R.S.E.W. Leuven, P.H. Nienhuis and R. Wehrens. Application of reflectance measurements for the characterisation of soil samples from river floodplains. 11e Nationaal Symposium Bodemonderzoek: Bodem Breed ’99, 29-30 november, Lunteren.

Nienhuis, P.H. & R.S.E.W. Leuven, 1999. Ecological restoration of the lowland basin of the rivers Rhine and Meuse (The Netherlands, Europe). In: Sgardelis, S.P. & J.D. Pantis (Eds.), Abstracts EURECO’99, VIIIth European Ecological Congress, 18-23 September 1999 – The European Dimension in Ecology: Perspectives & Challenges for the 21st Century. European Ecological Federation. P. 212.

Van der Bruggen, M.W.P., P.J. van den Brink, E. Westein, T.C.M. Brock & R.S.E.W. Leuven, 1999. Risk assessment of pesticides on a population and ecosystem level using realistic exposure scenarios. Abstracts 9th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe, Quality of Life and Environment in Cultured Landscapes, 25 - 29 May 1999, Leipzig, Germany. p. 222.

e. Reports

2. Professional publications

a. Articles

Dorenbosch, M., F. Spikmans & J. Memelink, 1999. Amfibieën langs de Waal – Het gebruik van wateren – RAVON 2(2): 28-32

Duinen, G.A. van, H. Esselink, M. Geertsma, J.T. Kuper & M. Nijssen, 1999. Verdwijnt de Grauwe Klauwier ook uit de duinen van Ameland? Het Duinviooltje, informatieblad Natuurwerkgroep Ameland. (Overgenomen in: De Amelander 1999).

Duinen, G.A. van, M. Nijssen & H. Esselink, 1999. Wat zijn de effecten van aantastingen en herstelbeheer op de fauna? Nieuwsbrief European Invertebrate Survey-Nederland, 28: 10.

Haans, J.L.M., R.S.E.W. Leuven & A.M.J. Ragas, 1999. Immissiebeoordeling voor de afvalwaterlozingsvergunning: Een internationale vergelijking. H2032 (5), 27-30 (in Dutch).

Hoof, P. van, S. van den Braak & H. Strijbosch (1999): Amfibieën langs de Waal. Landgebruik van Kamsalamander, knoflookpad en rugstreeppad - RAVON 2(3): 50-55.

Hustings, F. & H. Esselink, 1999. Heeft de Grauwe Klauwier in Limburg toekomstperspectief? Limburgse Vogels 10: 89-97.

Lenders, H.J.R., 1999. Noordse woelmuis en boomkikker: rechtgeaarde ambassadeurs of corrupte ambtenaren? Zoogdier, 10 (2): 21-23

Nienhuis, P.H., 1999. De Victor Westhoff-lezing 1999. Over de toestand van natuur en milieu in Nederland en daarbuiten. In: V. Westhoff - Natuurbeheer, onze verantwoordelijkheid voor de biosfeer. p. 5-12. Nijmegen University Press.

Strijbosch, H., 1999. Reptielen en begrazing - Meetnet Reptielen - Nieuwsbrief 15: 11-14.

b. Book chapters

Strijbosch, H. (1999): Kikker-en-taal - in: Verstegen, J.(ed.): "DierenTaal" – Over communicatie bij dieren. Sdu Uitg., Den Haag, p. 51-58

c. Reports

Bosman, W., C. van Turnhout & H. Esselink, 1999. Effecten van herstelmaatregelen op diersoorten: "Eerste versie van Standaard Meetprotocol Fauna (SMPF) en Richtlijnenprogramma Uitvoering Herstelmaatregelen Fauna (RUHF)". Rapport Stichting Bargerveen, Nijmegen. 81 pp.

Duinen, G.A. van & H. Esselink, 1999. Stichting Bargerveen - faunaonderdeel. In: Vakgroep Oecologie (KUN): Onderzoek ten behoeve van herstel en beheer van Nederlandse hoogvenen: tussentijdse rapportage 1998. pp. 27-33.

Nienhuis, P.H., H.J.R. Lenders, R.S.E.W. Leuven, A.M.J. Ragas & H. Strijbosch, 1999. Research Programme 1999 – 2004. Reports Environmental Studies 180, University of Nijmegen.