Faculty of Arts
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Practical information

During the advisory period, the student will get an impression of the organisational and communicative aspects of the organisation. They will also work on the communication assignment, reflect on both their social functioning and their functioning with regards to the content, and they will also apply the knowledge they have acquired during their studies.

  • Period: twice per year for eight weeks: November up until mid-January, and mid-April up until mid-June
  • The student will, on average, spend 24 hours per week on conducting the assignment and doing some communicative tasks
  • A single compensation of €250,- (excl. VAT) to the faculty for the purpose of additional educational activities (leadership training, training actor, networking event).

In our factsheet (docx, 338 kB), you can exactly read how the process works, what the goals are and what we expect of you as an organisation.


Would you like one of our students to take on your communication assignment or do you want further information? Please do not hesitate to contact us (communicatie-consultancy@let.ru.nl). If you would like to get in touch with our students in an alternative way, feel free to contact one of our employees (careerservice@let.ru.nl).