Faculty of Science
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Channeling Vibrational Energy To Probe the Electronic Density of States in Metal Clusters

We investigate the electronic density of states (DOS) of isolated neutral cobalt clusters by probing the temperature-modulated population of electronic states through UV photoionization. The temperature is controlled via resonant excitation of lattice vibrations using the free-electron laser FELICE, after which the vibrational and electronic systems equilibrate through the electron–phonon coupling, redistributing the population of electronic states. The data are analyzed by surface photoemission theory, modified to incorporate the realistic DOS.


Channeling Vibrational Energy To Probe the Electronic Density of States in Metal Clusters
Jeroen Jalink, Joost M. Bakker, Theo Rasing and Andrei Kirilyuk
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6 (2015), 750-754