You can choose from 7 destinations in Germany.
Freie Universität Berlin
For: BA & MA students Philosophy
Language: German
Grant: Erasmus+
Information regarding Freie Universität Berlin: university website
Information for exchange students: incoming exchange students
Information about courses: course catalogue
Factsheet: download (pdf, 102 kB)
Other students' experiences abroad: read their experiences in their travel journals
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
For: BA & MA students Philosophy (also possibilities for Theology & Religious Studies)
Language: German
Grant: Erasmus+
Information regarding the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn: university website
Information for exchange students: incoming exchange students
Information about courses: course catalogue
Factsheet: download (pdf, 447 kB)
Other students' experiences abroad: read their experiences in their travel journals
Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg im Breisgau
For: BA & MA students Philosophy
Language: German
Grant: Erasmus +
Information about the University of Freiburg: university website
Information for exchange students: incoming exchange students
Information about courses: course catalogue
Factsheet: download (pdf, 57 kB)
Other students' experiences abroad: read their experiences in their travel journals
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
For: BA / MA students Theology (by exception sometimes Religious Studies, Islam and Philosophy)
Language: German
Grant: Erasmus +
Information regarding Universität Heidelberg: university website
Information for exchange students: incoming exchange students
Information about courses: course catalogue
Factsheet: download (pdf, 137 kB)
Other students' experiences abroad: read their experiences in their travel journals
Universität zu Köln
For: BA / MA students Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies
Language: German (some English)
Grant: Erasmus +
Information about Universität zu Köln: university website
Information for exchange students: incoming exchange students
Information about courses: course catalogue
Factsheet: download (pdf, 219 kB)
Other students' experiences abroad: read their experiences in their travel journals
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
For: BA & MA students Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies (and PhD's)
Language: German
Grant: Erasmus +
Information about Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster: university website
Information for exchange students: incoming exchange students
Information about courses: course catalogue
Factsheet: download (pdf, 584 kB)
Other students' experiences abroad: read their experiences in their travel journals
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
For: BA & MA students Theology
Language: German
Grant: Erasmus +
Information regarding Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen: university website
Information for exchange students: incoming exchange students
Information about courses: course catalogue
Factsheet: download (pdf, 831 kB)
Other students' experiences abroad: read their experiences in their travel journals