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Welcome to the website of the Halkes Women+ Faculty Network Nijmegen. Here you can find information about our network, upcoming events, and contact information

Recent events

You can find descriptions of our other past events here.

Are you a women associate professor (UHD) at Radboud University and want to become more active regarding academia and gender-related issues?

Consider joining our board (by sending an email to halkes@ru.nl) or join the UHD-group of the LHNV (Landelijke Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren) via https://www.lnvh.nl/join.

Pumping rooms ('kolfruimtes') on campus

Are you in need of a pumping room? Here is a list of pumping rooms on campus.


Are you not receiving emails from the Halkes Network? You are missing out on event invitations and other announcements! Sign up for our mailing list:
Subscription form

New mentoring program at the Radboud University

Within the gROW online learning environment, you find the 'Mentoring Academic Staff' program.


Participants in our meetings:

"To be able to meet other people interested in the same topic, (crucially) at different stages of their careers"

"Meeting other people who face similar problems and can share their experiences"

"The mixed group came up with diverse and interesting advice"

"I would like to have a round table discussion like that one again. There are always new people with new stories I can learn from"
