How to get there
How to get to Radboud University
The city of Nijmegen is easily accessible by car, train or bus from all parts of the country. For nation-wide travel, trains are the best option.There are several airports in the neighbourhood, so when planning your trip to Nijmegen, please check which airport is the most convenient for you.
Public transport
Trains stop at Nijmegen Central Station and Station Nijmegen Heyendaal. During rush hour bus line 10, the Heyendaal Shuttle, runs every five minutes directly from the central station to campus Heyendaal. This bus line runs only during weekdays and not during holidays and in weekends.
Local buses stop on campus in the Philips van Leydenlaan, the Heyendaalseweg, the Kapittelweg and Erasmuslaan. There are several connections from Nijmegen Central Station to these bus stops. For traveling by bus or train you must use the OV-chipkaart (public transportation chip card). An easy way to plan your trip is using the website OV9292.
The ‘OV-chipkaart’ is used as a general means of payment for the public transport system. The OV-chipcard can be loaded with credit in euros with which you can travel within the Netherlands by bus and train.
Bike parks on campus
Radboud University has several bike parks. Radboud University also has a bicycle repair shop (website in Dutch only). It is possible for international students, staff and guests to hire Radboud Bikes. At Nijmegen Central Station you can also rent a so called OV-bike.
Paid Parking
All car parks on the campus are equipped with boom barriers and pay-point terminals. Regular parking cost €2 per hour up to a maximum of €10 per day. Tickets can be paid for with creditcard and pin. After 6 P.M. and during weekends regular parking is free. Disabled parking is possible at the designated parking lots at Radboud University´s campus. > More information about parking at the Radboud University
Accessibility during redesign campus
The Radboud campus will undergo a transformation in the coming years, especially on the south side of the terrain (between Erasmuslaan and Houtlaan). Construction, alteration and demolition work can cause some inconvenience. More information about accessibility during the redesign of the campus can be found on
> Digital map campus Radboud University
> Map campus Radboud University (pdf, 1.6 MB)
> Nijmegen and Radboud University (png, 781 kB)
> Map Radboud university medical center
Carry ID!
In the Netherlands anyone of 14 or older is required to carry official identification papers (an ID) at all times. Nationals of one of the countries of the EER and Swiss nationals must carry a passport or a residence permit for EU/EER citizens. Nationals of a country outside the EER and non-Swiss nationals must carry a residence permit. People who violate this law can be fined up to €60.