The collection of IVOC in open access and in storage of 30.000 books and more than 400 journals. Not all items of the IEastCS are available through the Central Library. IEastCS also holds a large amount of loose-leaf works (which cannot be borrowed), and a collection of manuscripts and other materials not fit for library keeping. On personal request this ‘private’ collection can be consulted, after the approval of the director of IEastCS.
Major subjects in our collection are Eastern Christianity (in its three geographic areas, the Slavonic part of Europe , Greece and its influences, and the Near East/Northern Africa) as well as Ecumenism (between the eastern and the western Christian churches).
Objective of the library of IEastCS is to build up a collection of a very high quality on the subject of Eastern Christianity, which strives to be as complete as possible concerning series, journals and individual academic publications.
History of the collection
The collection of the library of the IEastCS gives a representative overview of the academic fields of interest and the contacts that the Fathers Assumptionists held with local Eastern churches. There is not only a large collection of Syriac books, containing mainly liturgical books of the Syriac-Catholic tradition, but also the collection of microfilms of Syriac manuscripts that belong to the library of the monastery of Charfeh in Lebanon. Some parts of the collection original from contacts with the Greek-Catholic Church in Greece and with Assumptionist communities in Rumania, Bulgaria en Russia.
In 1991 the collection of the library of the IEastCS was expanded with Eastern-Christian and liturgical books from the inheritance of the late Professor C.A. Bouman, former professor of Liturgical Studies at the Catholic University Nijmegen.
In 1998 the IEastCS received the collection of the late Professor J.G.A.M. Remmers and in 1999 a large part of the collection of Aktie en Ontmoeting Oosterse Kerken (Action and Acquaintance Eastern Churches) was donated to the library of our institute.
In 2001 the IEastCS received the rich collection of Syriac and christian Arabic books belonging to the collection of Dr J.C.J. Sanders.
There is a complete list of journals of the IVOC in the Humanities Library of the Radboud University: list of journals (pdf, 108 kB)
New acquisitions :
-2011 (pdf, 195 kB) (pdf, 195 kB)
-2010 (pdf, 180 kB) (pdf, 180 kB)
-2009 (pdf, 196 kB) (pdf, 196 kB)
-2008 (pdf, 200 kB) (pdf, 200 kB)
-2007- (htm, 69 kB) (htm, 69 kB)
-2006 (htm, 40 kB) (htm, 40 kB)
-2005 (htm, 47 kB) (htm, 47 kB)
-2004 (htm, 40 kB) (htm, 40 kB)
-2003 (htm, 112 kB) (htm, 112 kB)
-2002 (htm, 686 kB) (htm, 686 kB)
-2001 (htm, 141 kB) (htm, 141 kB)
-2000 (htm, 141 kB) (htm, 141 kB)
photo credit: Ricardo Esquivel