Electronic Publications
The following links give access to electronic newspapers and websites pertaining to Eastern Christianity and philosophy:
Faith & Order
Werk voor het Oosten
Public Orthodoxy
G2W, Ökumenisches Forum für Glauben, Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West
The Orthodox Church in America
Ukrainische Kirche
Europaica Newspaper
Vestnik St. Tikhon's University Review (series 1: Theology, Philosofy and Religious studies)
Vestnik St. Tikhon's University Review (series 2)
Arab-West report
Journal for the study of religion and ideology
Newsletter Saint Serge Institute
Bulletin de l'AED (Aide à l'église en détresse)
Coptic Review
New issue (#1 2016) State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide
Orient Church
Nederlands Instituut in Sint-Petersburg
St. Irenaeus Orthodox Theologisch Instituut
Religion & Gesellschaft in Ost und West
ASEC Newsletter
Northwestern University Research Initiative for the Study of Russian Philosophy and Religious Thought
Acta Oecumenica
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