Celebrating Platform Oosters Christendom's 1-year anniversary
On Friday 16 June 2023, the Institute for Eastern Christian Studies (IvOC) celebrates the first anniversary of the Platform Oosters Christendom. The Platform was launched on 10 June 2022 and in a year’s time has grown into a lively and up-to-date website, full with new articles and opinion pieces on the theme of Eastern Christianity. Former Platform editor Nick Pouls handed over the reigns to our new editor Christel Jansen. Besides being the editor, she also produces the bi-monthly Platform newsletter.
So what can you expect on 16 June? There is a uniquely interactive programme designed around the theme “Orthodoxy on the move”, complete with short seminars and a panel discussion with renowned speakers: Katja Tolstoj- the current Theoloog des vaderlands (National Theologian), Alexander Zanemonets- a priest from Ukraine and Byzantologist, plus Habtom Yohannes from the ERC project Rewriting Global Orthodoxy. During the panel discussion, audience members will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discourse with the speakers.
In addition to the panel, the programme offers an exhibition featuring photographs of Coptic churches in the Netherlands photographed by Matija Miličić. Additionally, at the book market attendees will have the opportunity to purchase both new and second-hand books from IvOC’s collection of publications. As a special treat, there will be an auction of Ethiopian icons, so you will have the opportunity to bid on (and possibly take home) one of these prized artworks. All proceeds from the book market and the auction will go towards supporting the Platform and its journalistic activities.
The details of the programme on Friday 16 June 2023 are as follows:
12.30 Arrival of guests
13.00 Short seminars and panel discussion
14.45 Photography exhibit
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Book market and auction
16.00 Reception
17.00 End of the programme
Open University Nijmegen, room 1.10 (1st floor)
Erasmuslaan 9
6525 GE Nijmegen
The Open University Nijmegen is located directly opposite Radboud University on the Erasmuslaan. Details on how to get to the Open University and parking can be found here: www.ou.nl/nijmegen
We kindly invite you to join us for this important and entertaining afternoon programme. To reserve your seat, kindly send an e-mail to: secretariaat@ivoc.ru.nl. There are limited seats available, so reserve yours today. We look forward to see you on 16 June.