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IvOC welcomes guest researcher Dr. Biriukov

IvOC is pleased to welcome Dmitry Biriukov to the institute as a visiting scholar this Spring.  Biriukov got his Master’s degree in physics at St Petersburg Polytechnical University (2001) and his BA in Religious Studies (summa cum laude) at St Petersburg School of Religion and Philosophy (2004). Thereafter he received the degree of Candidate of Philosophical Sciences in St Petersburg State University (2007) and a PhD in philosophy at Padova University (2016).  Additionally, he obtained his Doctor Habilitatus degree from the Russian State University for the Humanities (2016).

Biriukov has had fellowships at Collège de France, Durham University, Göttingen University, the University of Notre Dame, Ruhr University Bochum, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Fribourg University.

His fields of study are Byzantine theology, philosophy and science, as well as Russian religious philosophy and theology, especially the reception of Palamism, philosophy of language, philosophy of history and political philosophy in Russia.

During his stay at the institute, he will continue working on his research project "The Renaissance of Palamism in Russian Philosophy of the Early 20th Century and Its Context". This project is a collaboration with Freie University Berlin and Fribourg University. He explores how the notion of energy worked in the appropriation of Palamism and Humboldtianism (in terms of the philosophy of language) in Russian philosophy of the beginning of the 20th century, and how hesychasm and Name-glorification were reflected in Russian literature of that time.

His academic profile can be found online via Academia.edu:

Recent publications on Russian philosophy in English can be accessed via: