JECS 2019 3-4
Volume 71 of the Journal of Eastern Christian Studies has recently appeared, published by Peeters Online Journals. The theme of this edition is "Human Dignity and Patristic Legacy", with Alfons Brüning as guest editor.
This issue tries to identify possible contributions of Patristic concepts about human nature to current debates concerning the actual meaning of the term 'human dignity'.
There are contributions by Heleen Zorgdrager, Nicholas Sooy, Konstantin Antonov, Matthias Smalbrugge, Dmitrii F. Bumazhnov and Petr B.Mikhaylov.
The Journal of Eastern Christian Studies (JECS) is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research on the traditions and present-day situation of the Eastern and Oriental Christian communities in the Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe, and the Balkans, as well as in other places where Eastern and Oriental Christians have lived and came to live in past and present.