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Relaunch Pokrof

Continuation of Pokrof as an online platform

After 68 years, the printed magazine Pokrof, a publication of the Katholieke Vereniging voor Oeucumene, is coming to an end. The Institute of Eastern Christian Studies wants to relaunch Pokrof in the form of an online platform.

We want to present a website with a regular news service about the various aspects of the life of Eastern and Oriental Christians, churches and cultures, in the Netherlands and worldwide. For the Dutch language area, this website follows the examples that already exist in Germany and the English-speaking world. This website will also contain the volumes of the former magazine Pokrof and background articles.

Preparatory work has been done and the website is expected to be launched in the spring of 2022, if sufficient financial resources are available.

You can support the restart of Pokrof with a contribution to IBAN NL14 INGB 0000 1539 98 of Stichting Instituut voor Oosters Christendom, stating 'Doorstart Pokrof'.