Engaging Eastern Europe
The international research cooperation project “Engaging Eastern Europe” (start: 1 November 2006; end: 31 August 2009) focuses on the relations between the ongoing process of EUropean integration and the Orthodox Christian tradition that is predominant in a number of EU-member states (Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus) and in the EU’s Eastern and South Eastern neighbours (Russia, Belarus’, Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, Crna Gora, FYR Macedonia). The primary aim of the project is to bring together existing research and to foster new research into this topic, both in terms of disciplines (humanities, social science, area studies) and of institutions. It is supported by a consortium of institutions in Hungary (Central European University, Budapest), Russia (RGGU / RSUH, Moscow; MGU / MSU, Moscow), France (Montpellier) and the Netherlands (IVOC / IECS, Nijmegen).
The project has consisted of 5 international expert meetings:
‘Eastern Orthodox Christianity and European Integration: Questions and Hypotheses’;
‘Eastern Orthodoxy and European Integration: Russian Perspectives’;
‘Christianity and Images of National Identity in Russia, France, Europe, 17th – 20th Century’;
‘Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Human Rights’;
‘Eastern Christianity in Post-Imperial Societies’
The project has created a research network across Europe, further project applications, and publications. Detailed information can be obtained through the links on this page.
Contact person: dr. Evert van der Zweerde, evdzweerde@ivoc.ru.nl