Publications for sale
The following publications are available for sale. Order your copy by sending an email to:
Dutch language titles:
Title: Handboek Oosters Christendom
Author: Herman Teule, Alfons Brüning (red.)
€88 plus shipping (within and outside of the Netherlands)
Title: Aartspriester Pavel Adelgeim (1938-2013) De laatste vrije priester van Rusland?
Author: Paul Baars
Verkenningen Oosters Christendom 11
€10 (shipping costs within the Netherlands included)
Title: Ethiopische iconen uit de collectie van het Instituut voor Oosters Christendom
Author: Ayla Kivits, Loes van Beuningen
Verkenningen Oosters Christendom 10
€7,50 (shipping costs within the Netherlands included)
Title: Sint Grigor Narekatsi's Boek der weeklaging:
Een religieus en literair meesterwerk van een tiende-eeuwse mysticus en kerkleraar
Author: Theo Maarten van Lint
Verkenningen Oosters Christendom 9
€7,50 (shipping costs within the Netherlands included)
Title: De Syrische Renaissance (1026-1318)
Author: Herman G.B. Teule
€3,00 (shipping costs within the Netherlands included)
Title: Het boek der weeklaging
Author: Grigor Narekatsi
Available online
Title: Voortbouwen op het fundament: Religieus leven en de flexibele mens
Author: Ad Leys, Charles Caspers, Jorge Castillo Guerra
Available for sale online
Title: Dat alleen een zijn: Het Christelijk Oosten 1948-1998
Author: A. van der Aalst, A. Burg, C. Krijnsen
€5 (shipping costs within the Netherlands included)
English language titles:
Title: Journal of Eastern Christian Studies (JECS)
€10 (shipping costs within the Netherlands included)
Title: Eastern Christian Studies series
€10 (shipping costs within the Netherlands included)
Title: Assyrian-Chaldean Christians in eastern Turkey and Iran:
Their last homeland re-charted
Author: Dr. J.C.J. Sanders
€7,50 (shipping costs within the Netherlands included)