Christel Jansen
Christel Jansen is a versatile journalist who has published for various newspapers and magazines (including Trouw) on topics as diverse as spirituality, refugee issues and Eastern European cultural and political affairs. At the communications agency Meesters in Communicatie (MiC), for many years she converted scientific themes into articles for a wide audience, a task she will also now perform for the Platform. Christel is also tasked with broadening the platform where possible and striving for more followers/readers on the website, with the newsletter, etc.
Christel is also a writer. She has numerous books to her credit, from children's books to adult non-fiction. She is currently working on a book about the closure of the only Ford factory known to the Netherlands (in Amsterdam, closing in 1982), as an example of post-war industrialization politics.
At the University of Amsterdam, Christel studied Slavic language and literature and Mass Communication in the 1980s. She is currently completing a master's degree in Religious Studies at Radboud University.