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Dr. A. Brüning


Dr. A. Brüning

Institute of Eastern Christian Studies 
Erasmusplein 1, Room E 12.08  
6525 HT, Nijmegen  
The Netherlands 
Tel.:  +31 24 361 1806  
Fax:  +31 24 361 5684  
E-mail:  a.bruening@ivoc.ru.nl

Alfons Brüning studied Slavic Philology, East European and
European History at the Universities of Münster (D) and Freiburg (D)
from 1988 to 1995.
Since 1996 he was PhD candidate at the Osteuropa-Institut of
Freie Universität Berlin (D), and part time assistant at the publishing
house Herder, Freiburg, involved in a large dimensioned book
project on the history of Christianity.

In 2005 he received his PhD at Freie Universität Berlin with a
thesis on “´Unio non est unitas´- Polen-Litauens Weg im
konfessionellen Zeitalter (1569-1648)”.
Between 2005 and february 2007 he was assistant professor at
the Ecumenical Institute of the university of Münster (D).
In march 2007 he became assistant professor and staff member
of the Institute of Eastern Christian Studies.

Alfons Brüning´s special interest is devoted to the history of church
and culture of the European Christian East since the Early Modern
period, particularly of Russia and the borderland region between
Eastern and Western Christianity, on the territory
of present Lithuania, Belarus and especially Ukraine.

Special interests – fields of research/teaching

- Confessionalization and the European East
            - Social discipline in Russian Orthodoxy between 1650
              and 1790
            - Orthodoxy and national consciousness in 19th century
            - Russian Orthodoxy under Communism and after – continuity
              and change
            - Orthodoxy and the Human Rights discourse