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What is the Institute of Eastern Christian Studies?

The Institute of Eastern Christian Studies, or Instituut voor Oosters Christendom (IVOC), was founded in 1991 in order to continue the work of the Institute of Byzantine and Ecumenical Studies in the Netherlands. This institute had been led by the Congregation of the Fathers Assumptionists for forty years. The Institute of Eastern Christian Studies is unique in Dutch-speaking countries. It is closely linked to the Radboud University of Nijmegen. The Institute of Eastern Christian is registered by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KvK 41057572).


The main purpose of the Institute is the scholarly study of Eastern Christianity. This purpose is achieved by providing information to the public, educating students, carrying out research, organising conferences and public lectures, collecting printed and digital resources and publishing the peer-reviewed scholarly Journal of Eastern Christian Studies. One of the objectives of the Institute is to develop new projects in research and education and to raise funds for these. The Institute is a non-profit foundation.

Further objectives are:

To continue the work of the Institute of Byzantine and Ecumenical Studies.
To enrich and deepen forms of Western Christianity.
To make Eastern Christianity known to the general public in the West and to enhance ties between Eastern and Western Christianity.
Management and expansion of a specialized library
Publication of the Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, formerly called ‘Het Christelijk Oosten’
Providing information and advice
Organization of different projects
Being an independent foundation, IVOC is dependent on third-party support. The Congregation of the Assumptionists provides the basic fund through the Foundation Assumption-Initiative. Also IVOC receives a solidarity contribution of the KNR, joint religious congregations through the commission PIN. Projects are also supported by various ecclesiastical and social funds. The Radboud University Nijmegen offers housing and infrastructure facilities. The Board of the Foundation of IVOC is in the hands of University representatives, representatives of the Assumptionists and third parties.

With the growing number of initiatives there is always in need of additional support. Contributions can be transferred to account number
NL14 INGB 0000 1539 98 of Stichting Instituut voor Oosters Christendom.

Stichting en middelen

Het IVOC is een Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI)

Het IVOC is door de Belastingdienst aangewezen als een ANBI.
Een ANBI is een kerkelijke, levensbeschouwelijke, charitatieve, culturele, wetenschappelijke of algemeen nut beogende instelling, die als zodanig door de Belastingdienst is aangewezen.

Dit betekent dat een donateur giften van de inkomsten- of vennootschapsbelasting kan aftrekken, binnen de daarvoor geldende regels.


Als zelfstandige stichting is het IVOC aangewezen op steun van derden. De congregatie van de paters Assumptionisten verzorgt het basisfonds via de Stichting Assumptie-Initiatief. Ook ontvangt het IVOC een solidariteitsbijdrage van de gezamenlijke religieuzen in Nederland via de commissie PIN. Daarnaast ondersteunen andere kerkelijke en maatschappelijke fondsen diverse projecten . De Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen biedt huisvesting en infrastructurele voorzieningen. Het bestuur van de stichting is in handen van universitaire vertegenwoordigers, vertegenwoordigers van de paters Assumptionisten en derden.

Met het groeiende aantal initiatieven is er altijd behoefte aan extra ondersteuning.
