Radboud Economic Law International Conference

Date of news: 15 February 2019

On Friday 24 May, the 4th edition of the Radboud Economic Law International Conference will take place at the Faculty of Law of Radboud University. The theme of this year’s conference is ‘New Directions in Competition Law Enforcement’.

Prof. Barry Rodger, University of Strathclyde, Scotland, and Prof. Jacques Steenbergen, President of the Belgian Competition Authority, will provide keynote speeches. In addition, a call for papers is issued. Interested authors are kindly invited to submit abstracts or draft papers on topics relevant for this symposium before 22 February. These papers will be discussed during the proceedings by Prof. Johan van de Gronden, Radboud University and Prof Hans Vedder, University of Groningen. Furthermore, these contributions will be subsequently published in an edited volume, as part of the ‘Radboud Economic Law Series’ published by Wolf Legal Publishers.

We look forward to seeing you in Nijmegen on the 24th of May.