Book Launch: 'Capital Markets Union in Europe'

Date of news: 23 May 2018

On Wednesday 16 May 2018, a symposium took place at Oxford University due to the publication of the book ‘Capital Markets Union in Europe’ (Oxford University Press 2018) edited by professor of Financial Law Danny Busch, Emilios Avgouleas and Guido Ferrarini. The book examines legal and economic aspects of CMU in Europe. The symposium was organized by Business and Law Research Centre (OO&R) and the Commercial Law Centre of the University of Oxford.

Danny Busch opened the launch with a presentation on ‘A Capital Markets Union For a Divided Europe’ in which he examined both what had happened since the CMU was launched, and initiatives planned, or likely to happen, in the future.

Brexit, which was part of the background to the previous presentation, was center stage in the talk given by Simon Gleeson of Clifford Chance on ‘The Prospects for EU Capital Markets Union after Brexit’, in which he examined the possible position of the City of London after Brexit and ways in which a regulatory structure for UK firms operating in Europe could be structured.

Professor Luca Enriques then continued the theme of the place of the City of London in a post-Brexit world in his presentation ‘Raising Capital in a Capital Market Union without a Financial Hub’.

Finally, Kevin Ingram of Clifford Chance examined the new regulation of securitisations in ‘Will Capital Markets Union Help Revive the European Securitisation Market?’

All the papers gave rise to lively discussion as to the future of the capital markets in Europe, and the place and purpose of regulation in encouraging and facilitating the raising of money by these means.