Xinyue Li, promovendus in onderzoeksde groep Spectroscopy of Solids and Interfaces binnen het Institute for Molecules and Materials (IMM) van de Radboud Universiteit heeft het Christine Mohrmann Stipendium ontvangen. Deze beurs wordt toegekend aan veelbelovende vrouwelijke promovendi om hen aan te moedigen in de academische wereld te blijven na voltooiing van hun proefschrift.
Christine Mohrmann Stipendium voor Xinyue Li
Thermosalient materials
Li's research focuses on thermosalient materials, which have the ability to undergo drastic shape changes upon heating. These materials have great potential for use in various applications such as actuators, sensors, and energy transduction devices. Xinyue is currently using ultrafast optical techniques with picosecond time resolution to investigate the mechanism behind this phase transition. The stipend will be used to conduct research at two different facilities, the Raman Lab in Coimbra and the XFEL facility in Hamburg, in order to obtain more (fundamental) knowledge of the microscopic mechanisms involved in this fascinating phenomenon.
Christine Mohrmann Grant
The Christine Mohrmann Grants are for encouraging female PhD students to continue their scientific careers after completing their dissertations. The Grant includes 5000 Euros allowing to do in depth studies at e.g. a foreign university.
We warmly congratulate Xinyue Li with her grant.