Curriculum Vitae
If you have found a good job listing, you will have to start writing a motivation letter and CV. This is your introduction to the company and you often only get one chance. What should your resume look like? Read the tips of Career Service below!
A recruiter receives many resumes each day and needs to see who you are, what you can do, and what you have to offer — all at a glance. Don’t panic: a recruiter only looks at your CV for an average of six seconds! With the tips below, you can guarantee that your most important points appear front and centre in those six seconds.
Tips for your CV
1. This instruction video tells you how to impress with your CV.
2. The CV checklist describes the tips in more detail. Follow these tips and adjust your CV accordingly. Please note that a recruiter usually checks out your LinkedIn page as well, so make sure it is up to date and matches your CV. See the tips for LinkedIn here.
3. There are many websites where you can find even more tips for the format of a CV. You can find many sample CVs as well. Download here an example of a CV. (docx, 316 kB)
4. Have you struggled with how to format your CV? Have you finished a CV and want someone to take a look at it? Make an appointment so that we can perform a CV check for you!