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Examinations abroad

For those students wishing to take exams for the Nijmegen School of Management who are abroad for their studies at the time of the exam, there is the option of completing a Nijmegen School of Management exam while abroad. This refers to the following students:

  • Students who are required to go abroad by their study programme in a period which holds a first or second exam opportunity. These students have the option of taking the exam abroad or an alternative opportunity/form has to be offered.
    Please note: this only applies to students who are following the course for the first time this academic year. A student who has already had two exam opportunities in an earlier academic year is not eligible for this regulation.
  • Incoming exchange students who, due to an irregular semester schedule, cannot take their exams at Radboud University in January and are following the 4 EC courses with an exam in December, can reset an exam from block 1 at their home university, as long as they attended the first exam opportunity.
  • Incoming exchange students who are only present for the first semester can resit a block 2 exam at their home university, as long as they attended the first exam opportunity (with a maximum of two exams)

NB: this arrangement will apply only if practicable.

Note that it is not possible for NSM students to take a (resit) exam from the partner university at Nijmegen School of Management.

Submitting a request
If you belong to one of the above groups and want to follow an exam abroad, it is of the utmost importance that you follow the below procedure.

  1. You are required to check yourself whether it is possible to:
  • have the exam take place on the same time and day as the exam in the Netherlands;
  • have a room made available at the foreign university where the exam can be taken, and where, in the event of a digital exam, a stable internet connection is available;
  • have available a suitable device (laptop or desktop PC) with a Chrome browser to take the exam, in the case of a digital exam;
  • have an invigilator present at the foreign university during the exam.

2. If the above requirements are met, you may enrol using the online registration form.

  • NB: your email has to arrive 15 working days before the date of the examination, and you should make sure to register for the resit in the usual fashion through Osiris (by sending a resit request form to the IMO)!
  1. After receiving your enrolment form, a member of the exam organisation will check whether you do in fact belong to one of the groups above and will then discuss it with the Examining Board where necessary. If you may in fact take the exam abroad, the contact person of the foreign university will be approached. Arrangements will be made and information shared with this contact person on:
  • the general exam instructions, such as toilet visits, phone usage, invigilation etc.;
  • technical instructions on logging in, the PIN code and e-support, in the case of a digital exam;
  • in the event of an exam on paper, the time at which the exam will be sent abroad (one or two hours before the start exam);
  • in the event of an exam on paper, the time at which the contact person needs to return the completed exam.
  1. A member of the exam organisation will contact you as soon as it is clear what can be arranged.