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Successful first edition of the Management Business Fair

Date of news: 3 March 2020

The first edition of the Management Business Fair was held on 18 February at the Nijmegen School of Management. It was organised by Career Service in collaboration with the five study associations.

Eighteen stands were set up in the ground floor hallway of the Elinor Ostrom Building, where organisations such as Vitens, Coppa, Hezelburcht and the Province of Gelderland mixed and mingled with some 300 students. Various topics were discussed, such as internship opportunities, application procedures, what the average workday looks like and which types of vacancies are currently available. Several current interns had set up a stand where they shared tips and tricks with their fellow students. The CV check option was also extremely popular and generated quite the queue. In between discussion rounds, students enjoyed a sandwich and a soup together.

All in all, the fair was an excellent opportunity for students to stop and reflect on the steps they can both now and in the future to further their careers. The organisations left the fair with full mailing lists of students interested in receiving information about vacancies and other career updates.

For Career Service, this was confirmation that students do indeed relish the contact they get with the labour market and that the market is willing to cooperate. Given the success of this first edition, we look forward to the next edition in 2021!

If you missed the fair or if you have questions about your career opportunities, check the Career Platform for tips and vacancies or make an appointment with the Career Officer.

Click here for photos of the fair.