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NSM Faculty Student Award

In order to commend active students and to emphasise that the faculty highly values their efforts, the Faculty Student Award was created. Each year, this award is granted during the Christmas gathering, along with the other faculty awards.

As a student, you can nominate other students for the award by sending an e-mail with a short explanation of why that student deserves the award. Ultimately, the winner is determined by the faculty board, after receiving a recommendation from the advisory committee. The advisory committee consists of:

  • a student member from a programme committee;
  • a member of the faculty student council;
  • a student committee member of one of the student associations at NSM;
  • a student member from outside the faculty.


At the end of September, the assessor begins assembling the advisory committee. Then, as a student you will be asked by the assessor who you think deserves to receive the award. Both students and staff members can provide written nominations to the assessor via (assessor@fm.ru.nl). The assessor actively approaches student advisors, the faculty student council, student associations, and programme committees to request that they make nominations.

After the nomination deadline has passed (mid-October), the assessor discusses the nominations with the advisory committee and then makes a recommendation to the faculty board at the beginning of November based on the discussion with the advisory committee. The nominations are examined for instances on how the students have distinguished themselves from other students. Examples of this are organising a large event, starting your own initiative, making a special contribution to student life via the faculty—for instance, through a participational body or one of the student associations—or contributing to society through activities such as voluntary work.

Next, the student is invited to attend the Christmas gathering in connection with the Faculty Student Award. During this gathering, the winner will be announced and receives the award.


In addition to the prestige, the award includes a nice memento (for example a trophy, medal, or an engraved pen).