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Minor at other faculties of RU

Students who choose to follow a minor at another faculty are free to search on their own and consult their study advisor if necessary. Possible options for a minor could be:

  • Minor at the faculty of Law
  • Minor at the faculty of Science

Minor at the faculty of Law

After completing your Bachelor's degree and this minor in Economie en Recht, you can enter two Master's specialisations in Nederlands Recht which are 1) Financieel Recht or Ondernemingsrecht or 2) the Master's in Fiscaal Recht.

For enrolment, make sure to do that on time through a webform in the study guide from the Faculty of Law. If you would like to discuss how the minor fits into your study program, please feel free to schedule an appointment with your study advisor.

Minor at the faculty of Science

The faculty provides a minor in Informatica and Informatiekunde which will give you access to the Master’s in Information Sciences. The program consists of 5 obligatory courses (27EC) which can be supplemented with one or more optional courses of your choice.

Please contact the study advisor Informatica, Perry Groot (Perry.Groot@science.ru.nl) in case of questions.