Examining Board Political Science
The Examining Board ensures that the diplomas [opleiding] awards are based on a responsible and fair assessment of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that the degree programme strives to impart. The Education and Examination Regulations (EER) is the foundation for the work of the Examining Board.
When should you contact the Examining Board?
Below are a number of situations in which you may consider contacting the Examining Board. However, it is always advisable that you first contact the student advisor from the degree programme to check whether a formal process with the Examining Board is necessary or desirable. If that is the case, then you will lodge a formal complaint by letter against the relevant decision or submit a request.
- You feel that there is something wrong with the way in which an assessment took place and are of the opinion that the lecturer did not offer a suitable solution.
- You think that you were unjustly denied admission to an educational session or assessment.
- There are special circumstances that played a role in a rejection or exclusion that was the proper course of action according to the rules.
- You feel that special circumstances justify that you should receive an additional opportunity to sit an assessment or test and find that waiting for the next, standard opportunity puts you at an unfair disadvantage.
- You cannot be present for your graduation ceremony and would therefore like to pick up your diploma at the reception desk. You must submit a request with the reason why you were unable to attend the graduation ceremony.
- You want to have your electives approved.
You can contact the Examining Board with requests (using this form):
Format requirements
Requests to the Examining Board must also be actually addressed to the Examining Board and not to one of the members, otherwise the danger arises that your request may end up sitting on a desk during their holiday or business trip. Requests are to be submitted exclusively in digital format and are submitted via this online form.
The Examining Board will try to arrive at a decision for your request within three weeks of receiving it. During the summer months of July and August, this period may be up to six weeks.
Rules and guidelines
Click here (pdf, 573 kB) to open a document in which you can read everything you need to know about the rules and guidelines regarding the Examining Board. There are also rules involving internships, which you can find here.
Approval of electives
Since 1 September 2009, the Examining Board must, in principle, also assess meeting elective requirements:
- for electives taken abroad, there are already procedures and forms (please contact the and the International Mobility Office regarding this).
- there is also a Stageregeling (Internship regulations) for those who want to use their internship (12 EC) for their elective requirement (see Blackboard, bachelor community). For Bachelor's, see here (pdf, 310 kB). For Master's, see here (pdf, 309 kB).
- all courses on offer at Radboud University have already been approved in advance; you do not need to request permission in order to take these as electives.
- if you want to take a course within the Netherlands and use it as an elective, then you must request permission from the Examining Board in writing. A form for this has been created that you can find here (docx, 31 kB) (in Dutch).
Chairperson: Dr A. Wigger
Secretary: M. F. A. Cras
Members: Dr G. Kets and Dr N. Terpstra
External member: Dr S.L. Resodihardjo
Advisory members: H.J.J.M. Custers and E. Haukes”
Secretariaat politicologie
T.a.v. Examencommissie politicologie
Kamer TvA 5.01.74
Radboud University Nijmegen
Nijmegen School of Management
Postbus 9108
6500 HK Nijmegen
T: 024 361 21 13
E: examencommissiepol@fm.ru.nl