Student Quick Fire Round
We asked our Nijmegen School of Management students five quick questions about their experience on campus. We wanted to know which courses they liked, which ones they didn't, how often they hang out on campus, and where they like to study. This survey is all about giving you a glimpse into what it's like to live and study here.
The students we interviewed:
Finn, 1st year Bachelor's in Business Administration student. |
Alex, Pre-Master's in Economics student |
Louisa, 3rd year Bachelor's in Business Administration student. |
How many days per week are you usually on campus?
Finn: Usually, I am on campus about three to four days a week. I tend to study at home, which is why I am almost never on campus for the full week.
Alex: It depends on the block and the workgroups I managed to sign up for, but on average I was on campus 3 days a week. It is also nice to work on campus with friends on the days without work groups or lectures, so sometimes I would come in extra days, depending on how much work we have or to work on group assignments.
Louisa: Usually I am on campus 4 to 5 days a week.
What is your favourite place to study on campus?
Finn: My favourite place to study on campus is the Maria Montessori building.
Alex: I really enjoy the group workspaces that you can book, where you can sit with friends and work, but also chat a bit and eat too. If I really need to concentrate, I go to the quiet rooms in the library.
Louisa: My favourite place to study is the study center in the Elinor Ostrom building. I usually study there with my friends.
Do you hang out with your classmates on campus and where?
Finn: I do not hang out with my classmates on campus a lot, as many of my friends still live in my home village. However, if I hang out on campus I usually do so in the Refter, as I think it really doesn’t feel like being at a university there.
Alex: While working, we hang out in the EOS group work rooms, or the group workspaces in the UB. After a day of lectures we sometimes go to Cultuur Café or the Yard to chill.
Louisa: I sometimes hang out on campus with my classmates. Then we usually go to the yard or sit outside in summer.
What is your favourite course, and why?
Finn: My favourite course this year was Introduction to Economics and Business. I think this is mainly because of the lecturer and the content of the course. The lecturer, Mr. Verhoeckx made a great difference, he made use of great examples of well-known companies and current affairs.
Alex: My favourite course was Behavioural and Experimental Economics. I’m really interested in the relationship between economics and psychology, and the concepts we learnt in this course, such as the biases that guide our economic choices, were fascinating.
Louisa: My favourite course is Organisation & Environment because it covers the topic of strategy formation. This is something that really interests me.
What is your least favourite course, and why?
Finn: My least favourite subject this year was International Business Ethics. This course discusses the field of Business Ethics. Furthermore, a more philosophical underpinning of this field of research was elaborated on. I feel my interests are more on the economic side than the philosophical side.
Alex: I honestly enjoyed all my courses, but the most difficult course was International Economics. The concepts were sometimes confusing and hard to grasp, and there was a lot of content, but in the end I learnt a lot and it was gratifying to pass a difficult course.
Louisa: Since I do not like mathematics that much my least favourite course was Quantitative Research Methods. Although this course did contain a lot of valuable knowledge that came in handy when I was writing my thesis.
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