NVH jubilee prize

Date of news: 12 December 2022

Once every two years, the Radboud Network of Women Professors awards a prize to excellent female academics who obtained their PhD no more than 5 years ago during the conference 'Women in the Spotlight' on 8 March. The prize has a value of € 1000,- which can be spent freely.

Who is eligible for the NVH jubilee prize?

Female academics who completed their PhD within a maximum of five years ago , with a primary appointment at Radboud University or the RadboudUMC. The stated term of five years may be extended in the situation of long-term sick leave, maternity/parental leave or caregiver’s leave. Academics who have had maternity/parental leave shall be allowed 18 months extension per child. The prolongation clause may also be invoked by those combining a part-time contract with care responsibilities, those in training in a clinical specialisation recognised by the Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG), or those combining care leave with training to become a clinical specialist. More information on the criteria can be found in the regulations (pdf, 96 kB) .

How do you nominate a colleague or yourself?

Deans, supervisors and colleagues can nominate women academics and women academics can also nominate themselves for the RNVH jubilee prize. Please fill in the registration form (docx, 107 kB) completely and send it to nvh@dpo.ru.nl before 27 January 2023.

Who is in the committee of judges?

The committee of judges is appointed by the board of the RNVH and involves Rector Magnificus and chair of the committee Prof. dr. Han van Krieken, Prof. Mr. Femke Laagland (Faculty of Law), Prof. Dr. Herma Cuppen (Faculty of Science) and Prof. Dr. Maaike van Berkel (Faculty of Arts and vice-chair of the Radboud Women Professors Network). The prize winners will receive a message and an invitation to the award ceremony during the symposium on 8 March at the end of February.

The winners of 2021
• Cécile de Morrée (Humanities)
• Jolijn Onvlee (Natural Sciences)
• Kathrine van den Bogert (Social Sciences)
• Yvonne Hartman (Medical Sciences)

The winners of 2019
• Kobie van Krieken (Humanities)
• Lotte Krabbenborg (Natural Sciences)
• Stéfanie André (Social Sciences)
• Rianne van Boekel (Medical Sciences)

The winners of 2017
• Connie Vos (Arts/ Humanities)
• Kim Bonger (Natural Sciences)
• Maartje Luijten (Social Sciences)
• Alma Tostmann (Medical Sciences)

For more information, please contact Joke Leenders (joke.leenders@ru.nl).