Oorspronkelijk gepubliceerd in hard cover in 2022 is dr. Annemarie van Stees boek Love and Selfhood - Self-Understanding through Philosophy and Cognitive Neuroscience nu beschikbaar in een softcover editie bij uitgever Palgrave Macmillan.
Van de site van Palgrave Macmillan:
After years of neurohype and a neuroskeptic backlash, this book provides a systematic analysis of the contributions to self-understanding cognitive neuroscience (CNS) and philosophy can make.
The stories of five people in search of self-understanding serve as touchstone throughout the book. Their identities are tied up with what they love. The book provides in-depth analyses of CNS of love and CNS of self-reflection. It critically discusses philosophers who focus on the relation between love, self-understanding and selfhood, such as Harry Frankfurt, Susan Wolf, Charles Taylor and Søren Kierkegaard. It also builds an argument about CNS’ contributions to self-understanding more broadly, and how different these are from philosophy’s contributions.
The book develops conceptual review as a philosophical method for improving the validity and comparability of CNS studies. It integrates CNS insights into its philosophical view on love and selfhood where applicable. This book thus argues and exemplifies that philosophy and CNS can work together.
Voor meer informatie over Love and Selfhood - Self-Understanding through Philosophy and Cognitive Neuroscience en om het boek te bestellen kun je terecht op de volgende SpringerLink-pagina.
Annemarie van Stee is filosoof aan de Radboud Universiteit. Ze onderzoek ethische en existentiële vragen omtrent liefde, zinvol- of zinloos leven, welzijn en lijden. Ze is ook geïnteresseerd in de rol die filosoof kan spelen in interdisciplinair onderzoek, in het bijzonder in samenspel met de gedragswetenschappen.