Forms of Democracy: a Comparative Approach
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleFTR-FIPPSB207
Credits (ECTS)5
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies; Opleiding Filosofie;
prof. dr. E.A.V. Matthies-Boon
Other course modules lecturer
prof. dr. E. van der Zweerde
Other course modules lecturer
prof. dr. E. van der Zweerde
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
prof. dr. E. van der Zweerde
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2022
SEM2  (30/01/2023 to 03/09/2023)
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesYes
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
The first aim of this course is to learn about a substantial number of, on the one hand, key topics in the contemporary philoisophical debate about democracy, and, on the other hand, an equally substantial number of classical and non-classical theoretical approaches to democracy. A second aim of the course is to "learn to think democratical about democracy": a focus on what is controversial, contested, etc., rather than arguing in the direction of a single best solution, a final answer, or a conclusive consencus. A third aim of the course, finally, is to become familiar, through direct acquantance with original materials, with a number of alternative approaches of and takes on "democracy".
The aim of this course is to approach ‘democracy’ from a comparative point of view. How is the term used in different cultural, social, and political contexts? Does ‘democracy’ everywhere mean the same thing? Has it always meant the same? What about related notions like ‘representation’ or ‘populism’? What different normative and descriptive theories of democracy are central to contemporary debates? Is there a ‘universal’ or ‘global’ model of democracy that is implemented, with varying degrees of success and sustainability, in different parts of the world? Do different cultural traditions or ‘parts of the world’ contain different conceptions and practices of (democratic) politics that are mutually incompatible? Can they be combined? Or is the reference to ‘indigenous’ or ‘national’ traditions merely employed in order to resist the call of local populations to be recognized as a ‘dèmos’ and to participate in politics? A reader that offers a large variety of short original texts by philosophers and politicians from all ages, including feminist and non-Western perspectives, will allow us to compare and debate various historical and cultural perspectives on ‘democracy.’
BA 2 - 3.
Presumed foreknowledge
The 1st year PPS course in Political Philosophy, or an equivalent course.
Test information
This course will be tested with a written exam in which short, specific questions are combined with the task to write an informed and apposite comment on a short fragment from one of the texts that have been studied.
This course is part of a module of three courses in the Philosophy, Politics and Society bachelor programme. You can only take this course if you also take the two associated courses during the same semester. If you want to register for the three courses in this module, you must FIRST register for the module itself via the 'Minor' tab in Osiris, and THEN register for the courses themselves. For an overview of modules and their associated courses, see the course guides on the website of the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies.
Required materials
This book broaches key issues from the philosophical debate about democracy; it does so in a variety of forms (essay, discussion, letter exchange...), which are 'democratic' in their very form, and offer opportunities for further discussion.
Title:Futures of Democracy
Author:Bas Leijssenaar, Judith Martens, and Evert van der Zweerde (eds.)
Publisher:Eindhoven: Wilde Raven, 2014
This book contains a large number of short and pointed writings by key authors (many 'classical', but several other than 'dead white male European') in which different perspectives on democracy are presented.
Title:Theories of Democracy; A Reader.
Author:Ronald J. Terchek and Thomas C. Conte (eds.)
Publisher:Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000

Instructional modes
Lecture and seminar

Test weight1
Test typePaper
OpportunitiesBlock SEM2, Block SEM2