Authenticity and Public Life
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleFTR-FIPPSB307
Credits (ECTS)5
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies; Opleiding Filosofie;
T. Miechels, MA
Other course modules lecturer
T. Miechels, MA
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
T. Miechels, MA
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2022
SEM2  (30/01/2023 to 03/09/2023)
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesYes
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
After this course you are able to:
  • read, analyze and paraphrase two important texts from the phenomenological tradition;
  • explain the notions of authenticty, the public and the social in these texts;
  • critically compare the accounts offered by the two authors.
What is the relation between our social environment and authenticity. Does public life help us to find our voice and become authentic individuals? Or does an authentic life require us to break free from public and societal bonds? What are the dangers of the rise of the social realm, and what are the dangers of living a solitary life? In this course we will examine the answers to these questions given by Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt. In Being and Time, Heidegger criticizes society in his analysis of das Man, while Arendt offers a more positive, yet ambiguous analysis in The Human Condition. In order to get a clear understanding of the issues involved, we will focus on what there thinkers mean with central notions such as the public, society and authenticity. By the end of this course, students are asked to write a comparative paper in which they defend one author and which to criticize the author.

Presumed foreknowledge

Test information
This course is part of a module of three courses in the Philosophy, Politics and Society bachelor programme. You can only take this course if you also take the two associated courses during the same semester. If you want to register for the three courses in this module, you must FIRST register for the module itself via the 'Minor' tab in Osiris, and THEN register for the courses themselves. For an overview of modules and their associated courses, see the course guides on the website of the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies.
Required materials
Title:Being and Time
Author:Martin Heidegger (Translated by John Macquarrie & Edward Robinson)
Title:The Human Condition
Author:Hannah Arendt

Instructional modes

Test weight1
Test typePaper
OpportunitiesBlock SEM2, Block SEM2