Religion and Policy
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleFTR-RSMI202
Credits (ECTS)5
CategoryBA (Bachelor)
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies; Opleiding Religiestudies;
prof. dr. F.J.S. Wijsen
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
prof. dr. F.J.S. Wijsen
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2016
PER3-PER4  (30/01/2017 to 28/05/2017)
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesNo
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-

You are able to describe theories on relation between religion and state, and can apply empirical methods in policy development studies.

You have initial skills to implement research findings on religious issues in the public and pivate sector.


Due to the introduction of neo-liberal politics and the waning of welfare states there is a new space for religious institutions to offer public services. However, partnership between governments and religious instititions raise policy issues on both sides. To what extent can national or local governments use and finance religious or faith-based organisations (churches, mosques, temples) in safeguarding public services without violation the separation of religion and state? To what extent can religious or faith-based organisations implement government policies without becoming uncritical continuations of government policies? Is religion really returning to the public domain, and if it does, in what sense? We will also study theories and methods of policy sciences that can be used by scholars of religion to conduct policy research on religious issues. One of the main topics of this course is the relationship between religion and state (governance), and how this relationship is perceived as ideal.


Test information
Assignments (30%) and exam (70%).

Completed first year in Religious Studies. Succesful completion of "RSBA202 / RSPM109 Empirische religiewetenschappen' or comparable course on empirical research methodology.

Recommended materials
Martikainen, T. & F. Gauthier, Religion in the neoliberal Age. Political economy and modes of governance. Farnham - Burlington: Ashgate Publishing House, 2013

Instructional modes
Lecture and seminar
Attendance MandatoryYes

Test weight1
Test typeExam
OpportunitiesBlock TENT4, Block TENT5