Visual Culture
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleLET-ACWB302
Credits (ECTS)5
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Arts; Cultural Studies;
dr. C.C.J. van Eecke
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
dr. L. Munteán
Other course modules lecturer
dr. L. Munteán
Other course modules lecturer
dr. L. Munteán
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2019
PER 1  (31/08/2019 to 01/11/2019)
Starting block
Course mode
RemarksAccessible to exchange students.
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesYes
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
After this course, students will be able to: 
  • comprehend and critically reflect on the ways in which visual images have formed a body of meaningful signs in European and American media;
  • critically process diverse theoretical perspectives; develop specific visual and verbal skills for observing, reading, analyzing, describing and critiquing visual imagery from a range of theoretical perspectives;
  • reflect critically on the methods and theories used in texts by other researchers, using given criteria for evaluation (language/style, structure, critical use of theories, correct referencing system and bibliography). Through this, he/she will also be able to reflect critically on his/her own texts.
Visual Culture is a new and expanding field, with its intellectual roots in (post)structuralism and Cultural Studies. Central to the study of visual culture are questions about the nature of images, the interrelation between text and image, intermediality, and the crucial role of "looking" and "seeing" for our society. This course deals with the study of visual images in a cultural and historical context. Students will develop and explore questions about the ways in which images form a foundation of knowledge in the modern and post-modern world. The course is based on a broad array of images that are not necessarily "art" in the traditional sense in order to understand the ways that ideas are communicated in a visual form. From film and television to advertising, fashion, and the internet, our society has turned to images to shape opinion, inform, educate, and entertain. Visual Culture is the attempt to understand the mechanisms and cultural logics at work in these processes.

Presumed foreknowledge

Test information


Assumed previous knowledge
For ACW students: Analyse van tekst, muziek en beeld and Cultural Theory. For ACS students: Image, music and text analysis and Cultural Theory.

Required materials
Handbook is tba. If a handbook is used, students will be informed in time via Brightspace and we will aim for a book that possibly does not exceed the price of 40 euros.
Articles and chapters from books made available on Brightspace.
Title:Articles and chapters from books made available on Brightspace.

Instructional modes
Lecture + film
Attendance MandatoryYes

Class time will be divided between lectures, seminars, and (obligatory) film screenings. Blackboard will be used for texts, peer feedback on assignments, and for grading, Contacturen: 7 hours per week, including (obligatory) film screenings

Test weight100
Test typePortfolio
OpportunitiesBlock PER 1, Block PER 2

Minimum grade