At the end of the course: the student is able to have a meeting and write a management summary in formal French about the possibilities of a (virtual) international strategic alliance between a French and a foreign company. Additionally, the student can gather information about a French-speaking country, ask for information through written and oral communication, use the information in a business report that leads to an advice. Moreover, the student will also learn to think about the lay-out of the report, during a formal meeting. The advice will be presented orally to the client in a formal context. Furthermore, the student can give an interactive presentation in French about an aspect of CSR in an (international) organisation.
The student can orally describe, motivate, and evaluate the report containing the analysis of the CSR strategy of an (international) organisation.
The student will use French at B2 level in all written and oral communication that is lexically and grammatically correct, reasonably coherent and without too many pronunciation errors.
Increasingly, businesses and organisations are forced to operate in a global arena. One way of achieving this is to form international strategic alliances with international business partners. Successful international cooperation largely depends on the quality of the communication between potential alliance partners. Another strategy for companies to gain access to the international market is to analyse other markets.
In the first part of this course, you (together with your group) will investigate the possibilities of setting up a strategic alliance between a French and an international company. You will write a management summary about this and participate in a meeting between the two companies. In the second part of this course, you work for an international agency; and in that capacity, will write a report in which you analyse the market of a country, where the native language is French, regarding the export chances of a product line of your own choice. This course is a follow-up to: International markets French: le marché français.