Language Management in International Organisations
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleLET-CIWB264-IBC
Credits (ECTS)5
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Arts; Communication and Information Studies;
dr. W. Nejjari
Other course modules lecturer
dr. W. Nejjari
Other course modules lecturer
Contactperson for the course
dr. W. Nejjari
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2018
PER 3  (04/02/2019 to 05/04/2019)
Starting block
Course mode
RemarksAccessible to students from other degree programmes (Max. 35 students) and to exchange students (maximum 10).
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesYes
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
Students will be able to understand and explain the concept and importance of language management for international organizations. In addition, students will be able to analyze the contextual factors that may influence an international organization’s language management, as well as understand and analyze the influence of language on (a) the redefinition of organizational structure, (b) the realization of internal and external networks, and (c) the exchange of knowledge for international organizations.
Language Management in International Organisations will look at the way language has affected organizations’ internationalization processes. It will review how international organizations are currently managing their language use in internal and external communication with questions such as: how do cultural background and situation-specific factors influence international organizations’ internal and external use of language? How do individuals cope with the adoption of a shared working language in international organizations? In what way may language diversity affect the (information) structure of international organizations? How do stakeholders process information in first and foreign languages? Finally, how can language management be made to match an international organization’s goals?  This course will look at language management from both a Human Resources and Marketing perspective. In doing so, it will underline the cultural, cognitive and social mechanisms that are at play in these two perspectives.  

Assumed previous knowledge
Only accessible to students of the BA International Business Communication and/or Pre-master students CIW.

Required materials
ISBN:978 1 78471 015 6
Title:Language in International Business: The Multilingual Reality of Global Business Expansion.
Author:Piekkari, R., Welch, D., & Welch, L. S.
Publisher:Cheltenham (UK), Northampton (MA, USA): Edward Elgar Publishing. (2014).
Title:Students are required to read academic articles from the course reading schedule. The articles can be downloaded from the university library system, which is accessible on campus or via VPN connection

Instructional modes
Attendance MandatoryYes

Written exam
Test weight70
Test typeWritten exam
OpportunitiesBlock PER 3, Block PER 4

Minimum grade

Review Paper
Test weight30
Test typeAssignment
OpportunitiesBlock PER 3, Block PER 4

Minimum grade