Academic Communication Skills British English
Course infoSchedule
Course moduleLET-ETCENB200
Credits (ECTS)5
Language of instructionEnglish
Offered byRadboud University; Faculty of Arts; English Language and Culture;
PreviousNext 4
dr. L.S. Chardonnens
Other course modules lecturer
dr. J.G. Geenen
Other course modules lecturer
dr. A.O. Silpachai
Other course modules lecturer
dr. T. Struik
Other course modules lecturer
drs. M.J. Tangelder
Other course modules lecturer
Academic year2021
PER 1-PER 4  (30/08/2021 to 30/08/2022)
Starting block
Course mode
Registration using OSIRISYes
Course open to students from other facultiesNo
Waiting listNo
Placement procedure-
At the end of spoken component of ACS, you are expected to:
•demonstrate that your proficiency both in terms of spoken production and interaction as well as listening is CEFR C1 or higher;
•be familiar with the relevant CEFR descriptors and scales and will be able to interpret them and apply them to your own proficiency as well as that of your peers;
•have gained an understanding of some of the theoretical approaches to speech and interaction. (e.g. Politeness Theory)
•speak RP, but also recognise other major regional and social dialects of the UK.
•show awareness of register and suitable phrasing in a formal/academic setting.
At the end of the writing component of ACS, you are expected to:
•apply the conventions of English academic writing;
•formulate an effective thesis statement to shape your writing;
•develop a sustained research paper;
•use bibliography software;
•formulate and motivate an effective research question;
•present information in tables and graphs where appropriate;
•summarize, synthesize, and critically evaluate academic sources;
•cite sources appropriately;
•revise a clearly structured, lexically and grammatically correct research paper.
The first two periods of Academic Communication Skills (ACS) are dedicated to oral communication skills, offering a wide variety of assignments and activities, such as taking part in discussions and giving formal presentations on a variety of academic subjects, e.g. issues in pragmatics. Class time is more clearly focused on an academic setting rather than on the more general setting of the first year course. Activities focus on developing listening skills and fluency as well as expanding vocabulary and further perfecting pronunciation skills. Assignments include watching and listening to British English TV and Radio, and Internet programmes, as well as required reading on a number of theoretical approaches. The focus on exposure to native British English will help students to expand their receptive vocabularies. The transfer to the students' active vocabularies is aided by keeping an Academic Vocabulary Notebook.
The third and fourth periods of ACS are dedicated to the writing of a research paper. Two-weekly workshops help guide the writing process by providing instruction on specific aspects of academic writing and the opportunity for peer reviewing. The writing component of the course focuses on conducting a literature study, interpreting scholarly articles (reading skills), critical thinking, synthesizing source information, and structuring a research paper with a precisely formulated research question. Writing skills are developed in constant dialogue with fellow students by giving and receiving feedback on the various aspects of academic writing: paragraph structure, sound argumentation, correct incorporation of summaries, paraphrases and quotations and solid referencing (MLA or APA). An academic skills module introduces bibliography software as a means of archiving source material effectively.

Presumed foreknowledge

Test information


Assumed previous knowledge
‘Oral Communication Skills British English B’. Aan Academic Communication Skills British English kan wel worden begonnen als het onderdeel “uitspraak” van de B1 cursus “Oral Communication Skills” nog niet is gehaald. Aan het schrijfgedeelte van 'Academic Communication Skills British English' in periodes 3 en 4, kan pas worden deelgenomen als in het jaar daarvoor, of in het lopende jaar, de B1 cursus 'Writing English' met een voldoende is afgesloten, voordat periode 3 aanvangt.

Required materials
Title:Academic Vocabulary in Use
Author:McCarthy, M. & O'Dell, F.
Publisher: Cambridge University Press,2016

Instructional modes
At-home PER1 gel1
Attendance MandatoryYes

At-home PER2 gel2
Attendance MandatoryYes


Attendance MandatoryYes

Test weight30
Test typeProject
OpportunitiesBlock PER 2, Block PER 3

Minimum grade

Oral Proficiency
Test weight40
Test typeOral exam
OpportunitiesBlock PER 2, Block PER 3

Minimum grade

Research Paper
Test weight30
Test typeProject
OpportunitiesBlock PER 4, Block PER 4

Minimum grade